Erik Jean Hubert De Reyck 1a 2 3 4

Birth Name De Reyck, Erik Jean Hubert
Gender male
Age at Death 58 years, 7 months, 16 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Fideel Adolf Raymond De Reyck1936-04-302014-05-14
Mother Magda Clementina Rosalia De Smet
    Brother     Dirk Raimond De Reyck 1960-07-19 2015-12-06
    Sister     Christina Andrea De Reyck
    Sister     Katelijne De Reyck
    Brother     Bert De Reyck
    Brother     Patrick Louis Victor De Reyck
         Erik Jean Hubert De Reyck 1963-08-08 2022-03-24


Family of Erik Jean Hubert De Reyck and Katrien

Married Wife Katrien ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Lorelien De Reyck
Lieselot De Reyck

Family of Erik Jean Hubert De Reyck and Leen Custers

Unknown Partner Leen Custers ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Leonie De Reyck


Date Street Locality City State/ Province County Postal Code Country Phone Sources
2017-05-08 Pellenbergveld 11 Grimbergen Grimbergen Vlaams-Brabant   1850 België    


Type Value Notes Sources
National Registry Number 63.08.08-421.39