Louis Adolf Honoré De Reyck 1 2 3

Birth Name De Reyck, Louis Adolf Honoré
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1912-10-10 Zwijndrecht, Antwerpen, België   1 2 3

Time: 06:30

Occupation about 1936   bakker 1


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Adolf De Reyck1881-11-291973-06-14
Mother Cecilia Clementina Vergauwen1882-01-261944-08-10
         Louis Adolf Honoré De Reyck 1912-10-10


Family of Louis Adolf Honoré De Reyck and Sidonie Marie Heyrman

Unknown Partner Sidonie Marie Heyrman ( * 1911-07-23 + 1977-08-19 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Fideel Adolf Raymond De Reyck1936-04-302014-05-14
André De Reyck
Christiane De Reyck


Date Street Locality City State/ Province County Postal Code Country Phone Sources
about 1936 Statiestraat   Zwijndrecht           1